When working on returning to self-love you will have to add to your spiritual toolbox. One of the things you will need to add is the power to always find the positive, especially during the tough times. This can be a hard tool to get used to during difficult times. It is so easy to wallow in what is going wrong in your life. However, the reason we try to do this is, is because where you focus your attention is what you are going to draw more of into your life.
Yes, there is always a positive waiting to be found. I share how I had a tech problem on Labor Day weekend. Both my computer and the phone stopped working. I hung on during this trying time to one of my affirmations – That life is always in my favor. Even when I had to buy a new computer I kept saying my mantra. Life is in my favor. When the attendant told me my phone was broken, I kept saying – Life is in my favor.
Yes, it would have been easier to go into a fear or anger loop but I did not do that. I stayed focus on the positive – and it worked! Even though I had to buy a new computer, I found that I had an increase on my credit card that would more than cover it. Plus, because it was Labor Day weekend I got $500 off the computer. As for my phone, I found out after hearing that it was broken was that three days ago I became eligible for a free upgrade. I appreciated both of these positive outcomes.
That weekend could have sent me into a tailspin but because I kept focusing on the positive – more positive things began to appear in my reality. This technique should go into your spiritual toolbox to be used frequently and often. Sometimes, it may be hard but I do believe you can always find something positive in any situation. And there is no better way to co-create your reality than to focus on the positive.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.