We are always at a crossroad when it comes to honoring the different paths that our fellow humans are treading. It is part of our evolution in consciousness.
Do we choose to love or to fear those that are different than us?
The universe does not care if we all believe the same “myths” or move through this world in the same manner.
The universe does care however how we handle those differences.
While we are all as varied as the stars in the sky, I hope we can agree on one thing: Our differences are not the threat. The fear of those differences is! Get to now someone different than yourself. Your life will be enriched in ways you can’t imagine!
Coming soon my new book on Self-love.
And if you are dealing with a loss, check out my book, How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( Kirkus Indie Reviews called it, “A thoughtful think piece.”)
Until next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.