How Do You Speak To Yourself? How you speak with yourself is vital to finding self-love. Are you kind, nurturing, gentle, or loving with yourself? Or do you berate, shame, scold, or guilt yourself? Do you put the whole world’s troubles on your back? How do you talk to yourself? How you speak with yourself determines how much you love yourself. Every time I passed a mirror, I used to always say to myself – I love you -you are doing good work – I am proud of what you are healing. It was my way of loving myself while I was healing my wounds and doing the work I needed to do in order to find self-love. The world can be unkind, so don’t add to that unkindness with yourself. Stop degrading yourself with your own words or thoughts. Make sure you choose loving words when talking with yourself. It will change so much more than you know.
For more on self-love check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.