Love is described in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. Now how is friendship described? Friendship is described as a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. Affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust. I think those words defiantly describe how I see love – at least for now. We look for others to show us affection, esteem or intimacy, or trust so that we know we are not as bad as our inner voices quietly tell us as we lay awake in the night. And our friendships or romantic partners do this -until they don’t.
I now know that deep affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust must begin with you offering it to yourself first. No one can make you feel these things until you do – for you. One of the reasons I stress getting to know your inner orphans is exactly for this reason. When you get to know your inner orphans with the goal of finding self-love, affection becomes your manner of being. No one can look at a small child and not open up to feelings of affection for them.
Your esteem naturally grows every time you look inward with the goal of healing and connecting to love again. My esteem grew because I witnessed the power I possessed to reconnect to the love that resides within all of our hearts. Intimacy is the key to all inner homework. Intimacy affords you the right to look inward, not to judge or shame but rather so you can understand what makes you tick and why.
You may start out believing you know nothing and have nothing to offer, but with each inner orphan healed, each belief changed, with each loud, critical voice quieted and replaced with loving, supportive voices, you grow in self-trust. Eventually, you get to the point where you realize that you indeed do have everything you need for the journey before you. You trust yourself, the world, and the universe.
So yes, the inspiration for this month is the word love, but the true inspiration is finding the meaning of this word by forming a friendship with yourself—a friendship based on deep affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.