Your homework for this week is to reconnect to your jubilance. To reexperience rejoiceful and triumphant emotions and to express these emotions. The trick is to express the emotions – not just move past them like my friend did and move back into worry. Or, like me – do not squelch them down to give yourself a false sense of safety.
I remember the very day I got my first editorial review from Kirkus. I finally clicked on the email and was stunned – it was a very good review for my first book. However, I felt very little excitement. So, I worked on it.
If you do meditations, you can go into meditation and see yourself as a child extremely happy as you open up your birthday or Christmas presents. Or you can remember how you felt when you won a game. These memories will remind you that you are capable of feeling jubilant in the past, and that means you are capable of feeling it again. Perhaps you have some negative beliefs about feeling triumphant or rejoiceful. YOU can always change your negative beliefs. The trick is acknowledging that you have some beliefs that no longer suit you. And if you are a parent, there is nothing better to mirror for your children than the ability to be jubilant. They know they can do the same when they witness you express your joy or happiness. So the homework for the month is to begin to rediscover your jubilance. And to express it fully. Part of self-love is to understand that you are here to enjoy your life. Not to struggle or make do but to enjoy- to fully enjoy your life. And to do this, you must embrace your jubilance.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.