When I was going through my period of loss – laughter saved my ass. I was grieving my mother’s passing and dreading the death of my best friend, Robbyn. There was no laughter in the house at that time. At one point, I got so scared that I would never be happy again that my Higher Self told me I needed to find things that made me smile and laugh. I needed laughter homework.
So, every day I would find something to smile about. My kitties were great for this. I had three young kittens and my NYC cat playing around the yard. Trying to find something to make myself laugh was a bit more difficult. I was so full of grief and so full of past pains that needed healing – laughing seemed almost impossible. But the one thing I knew was to listen to my Higher Self. I trusted her wholeheartedly. So I made sure I watched something on TV at night that made me laugh.
My Dad knew how to laugh. He would get tears in his eyes and could barely speak when laughing. Then, he would try to finish his story about something that happened when he was a kid at the orphanage and usually about personal physical issues such as farting. He could not stop laughing long enough to finish. Seeing him laugh that hard, of course, made me laugh too. It is one of the fondest moments I have of him. He did not need laughter homework.
Psychology Today said kids laugh up to 300 times a day compared to adults, who typically laugh around seven times a day. So why do we stop laughing? Yes, I know we have bills, mortgages, jobs, and responsibilities that just don’t stop. But if laughter is the best medicine, then we all need more of it. So, your homework is to laugh every day. Maybe your kids make you chuckle. Perhaps your partner gets you to giggle. Or maybe you see something that just tickles you. In any case, your job is to find something that makes you laugh. And If you are going through tough times, you must find something that makes you laugh.
When My sweet friend was dying from cancer, and I brought her back home to be with her family, she made me smile big time when she shared a story. Her brother, Kris, came over to spend some time with her and help her wrap presents. I will never forget Robbyn laughing on the phone call with me — about how funny her brother was. How he just made her laugh all night despite her pain. I was so thrilled for her to find her loud, raucous laughter again and grateful to her brother – for helping her find it. We all need more laughter, which is why this is your spiritual homework to find your laughter again! Laugh at how silly life can be. Laugh at how silly you can be. But laugh, laugh, and laugh. Our body and mind will be grateful. And your soul will be delighted that you remembered the beauty and joy of being on this planet.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.