Learn how to use emotions. When working on returning to self-love, there’s going to become a point where you get to choose the emotion you want to experience. Because you’ve learned to transform those negative emotions – those darker emotions and now, you’re able to choose more positive lighter emotions. Emotions are here to guide us to look inward and to make changes inwardly or to look outward and to make changes outwardly.
But once we’re able to transform emotions, we then get to choose the emotions we wish to experience. You are not at your emotions beckon and call. As you grow in self-love, you’ll begin to choose the emotions you wish to experience each and every day. Learn how to use emotions. It’s all about self-love, people.
Note: Most of us run from our comfortable emotions. This is the exact opposite thing to do if we wish to grow and evolve. Our emotions are our navigation system to guide us through life. They tell us what needs to be looked at. What needs to be changed. They also have the ability to tell us what’s right, what’s good for us, and what’s positive. Do not be afraid of your emotions. They are simply telling you where to look and what needs some healing. Learn to use your emotions. It’s the quickest way to actually connect to the inner love that resides in all of us.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.