Fear seems to be running rampant these days. Whether it is fear of terrorists, “other” religions, immigrants, people whose skin color are different than ours, people who are wealthy, people who are poor, those who don’t speak our language or those from different countries. Fear always offers us an unlimited array of people and groups in which to lay blame at their feet for our fear or pain. But if you have chosen to awaken to your spiritual nature, you no longer have the luxury of placing blame for your fear on another. We all are responsible for our feelings and the actions they may propel us to take against or for another. I realize it can be hard work especially when we are being bombarded daily with fear and hate mongering. But unfortunately, just because something is hard does not relinquish our responsibility to stay conscious of our choices, words, and actions and always to move towards love.
Yes, it can be frightening to see the daily events whether it is a terrorist who cold bloodily shoots people at a Women’s Clinic or two terrorists who brutally take out people at a holiday party. Terror seems to be everywhere, but it is nothing new. Fear and terror have been extremely useful tools for those seeking power over others. Fear can be used to control people, to manipulate behavior, to move people to action, as well as a means to stop people’s actions. Fear is also the quickest way to go unconscious. Fear can be a tricky energy to maneuver out of once it has you by the throat. But it can be done with the only energy that is more powerful and that is love. Yes, I know it sounds trite, but love is never trite. Love can change people’s hearts. Love can change people’s minds. Love can move mountains.
So what do we as spiritual beings do when we are confronted with fear and terror? We go within. We take responsibility for our fear and remind ourselves that there is no one to blame for how we feel or see the world. We acknowledge our power to choose moment by moment what energy we feed and what energy we reject. We admit that we too have fear and do the important work of transforming our personal fears with love. I have found where understanding, compassion, and empathy reside there is no room for fear to breed or fester. It is not our job to change others by hating louder, hitting harder, or demonizing the “others”. First off it doesn’t work, and secondly, you risk becoming the very thing you started out decrying as evil. Our job is to change ourselves and grow more into our authentic, loving selves. To do that, we must be willing to confront our personal fears and demons and own their impact on our lives and others.
When is the last time you looked at your fears? Do you know where they came from and from whom? Were the passed down from you parents or previous generations, never questioned but accepted as truth? Were they self-generated from a negative experience that you used to color all future experiences in that same area? Were your fears an attempt to give you a false sense of superiority, power or safety? Or perhaps your fears were a way for you to justify your victimhood enabling you to remain powerless in your life always blaming others for what was missing? What decisions did fear make for you? And did it widen and deepen your life in love or constrict and make your life smaller and lacking in love? Where has fear caused you to behave in a manner that if you saw the same behavior in another, you would label it as hateful or unacceptable?
Fear can easily be the first reaction to something we find shocking or don’t understand but don’t let it be your final reaction. When you feel fear rising in your body and mind, just know that some smaller part of you feels powerless and has forgotten that the most powerful tool to eradicate fear lies within each of our hearts. It is time for all of us to release our fears and find love within and then to shout that love to the world. If someone is pushing you to hate or feeding the energy of fear, then it is time for you as a spiritual being to go deeper into your heart center and choose love. And don’t be frightened by the loudness of the hate just know it is time for us all to love out loud!
Until next time, be the light the world needs and stay in love for all!
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