A video that highlights why it is essential to meet your emotional body. We all hold unacceptable emotions down, but they go somewhere. Your emotional body is where you hold unprocessed emotions. Unfortunately, many of you hold our emotions down until they begin to leak out into our reality, often causing us to overreact. When we are out of balance, our emotions can not guide us or act as a navigational system. Instead, they have us on edge, waiting to react to what is happening in our lives – and usually quite inappropriately. You will learn how to meet your emotional body in meditation, seeing it lying in a cave on a slab of rock. You will see what it looks like. Is it young or old? Is it awake or in a coma? Mine was wrapped in bandages like a mummy. You will begin to touch various parts of it to see what emotion it is holding. And you will learn how to start to heal it – removing the emotions and bringing them into balance. When your emotions are balanced, they can become your navigational system guiding you through your life.
For more, check out my books The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.