In this video, I urge everyone to begin their day with one minute of loving talk instead of starting your day with worry or being overwhelmed. I use the “I am” fill in the blank. I am smart enough. I am talented. I am good enough. I say to do one minute to begin your day with self-loving talk vs. doubts or fear which is what many of us do.
Now some people will find one minute of loving talk difficult, but it will get easier. Maybe you can only say I am good enough and can’t think of anything else to say. That’s ok. It just shows you how much work you have to do in expanding y9u sense of self-love. So for one minute, you repeat, I am good enough, or I am brilliant. If you continue to do y0ur self-love homework, you will add more “I am” as you go along. Just take notes of how many “I am’s” you do. In the beginning, I only had three of four that I repeated over and over. However, as I grew in my self-love, my “I am’s” also grew.
If you do this one-minute of loving talk every day, you will not only begin your day in a much better way, but you will be expanding your self-love. As I have said before and I will say again – It is all about self-love.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.