Too often we look outside of ourselves for proof of our value or worth.
You may demand that others recognize your value or show their appreciation, but until you know in your heart that we are worthy and valuable and have a sense of appreciation for yourself, it really doesn’t matter what others do.
It will always be a temporary fix. And like any cheap impotent drug, its effects will wear off rather quickly.
Don’t go for the quick fix, instead, do the work to resurrect or resuscitate your inner sense of value and worth and find appreciation for all that you are and all that you can be.
The ironic thing is once there is an authentic sense of value and worth and appreciation within and you no longer need to receive it from others, that is exactly when your world will mirror those things back at you.
And unlike before, you will be able to let to those actions and words from others into your heart because you already have opened your heart to the truth!
Until the next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.
Joffre McClung is the author of two books The Heart of the Matter: A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love (“Powerful insights…thought-provoking” FOREWORD CLARION ” A Virtual hug…enriching” BLUEINK REVIEWS“) and How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( Kirkus Reviews “Heartfelt reflections on the lessons and strength to be gained from grief and loss….A thoughtful think piece.”)