When working on returning to self-love, you will have to pay attention to what you say to yourself and your friends. Now, I know a lot of people who do gratitude in the morning, or say their prayers, or do their affirmations. They do it for 15 minutes every morning. Then, spend the next 23 hours and 45 minutes complaining or being negative. And saying how the world is out to get them—living in negative energy.
You cannot spend 15 minutes doing affirmations and gratitude and spend the rest of your time complaining, being in negative energy, and expecting anything to change.
Do your gratitude. Do your prayers and do your affirmations. And then work on staying in that energy- staying in that vibration the rest of the day. Time to pay attention to what you say. If you catch yourself saying negative things, return to your affirmation and gratitude and lift your energy back up. It just may change your life. It’s all about self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.