Much love to Bangladesh.
Don’t let those who are bloodthirsty cause you to become like them. Stay rooted in love and have faith that love is the only antidote for hate. Don’t let those who spout we must fight fire with fire convince you that the only way towards peace is with war. In truth, the only way towards peace is through understanding, cooperation, and harmony.
Eventually, enough of us on this planet will understand that killing in any form only adds darkness to the world and resolves nothing. Then and only then can we begin to create a world that honors peace over war.
If each and every one of us will stay centered in #love during these dark times, we will be adding much-needed light to the world. While darkness can be seductive and give a false sense of power, it is the light that will set us free.
LIGHT is ALWAYS more powerful than any darkness. So keep you heart centered in love and let your light shine brightly for all to see. Peace takes root one person at a time. Be that person and choose peace!
Until next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.