This week’s inspiration is beings that greatly improve our lives – make our lives fuller and add so much love. This inspiration is our beloved pets. Our pets are vitally important in our growth as well. They teach us what unconditional love feels like. I believe that our pets are here for one reason – to love us – to love us unconditionally. It is the way the universe makes sure that we are loved. And our pets aid us on our journey back to self-love.
If we are playing a game of consciousness, how smart is the universe – to make sure as we drag ourselves out of the dark heading back into the light – that we have these friendly reminders that we are loved beyond measure. Pets highlight self-love big time! That no matter how horrible we may behave, we are always loved. No matter how often we feel despicable, disgusting, or full of shame – we are loved by the universe It is one of the cores of self-love – to know you matter and are loved. And what better way to prove that – that we are loved immensely than to offer us these pets that only want to be loved and played with by you.
When I moved back to Texas, I was met by three feral kittens that mom had caught and neutered. Luckily, I brought my NYC cat with me, and they watched him get loving and petting and treats, and slowly they began to want these things too. However, I had to let go of my controller. Because they used to be feral, I could not pick them up or take them to the vets. I remember crying as I saw the boy kitty with a swollen jaw when he got into a fight. I could not care for him by taking him to the vet. This was when I heard in meditation, “if you believe in a loving universe, then wouldn’t these kitties be cared for by this loving universe?” After all, the whole basis of self-love is that we are loved by the universe.
Pets teach us – to mirror our inner work, make our lives lighter and full of play, and love unconditionally. They remind us all – that we are loved beyond measure in the universe’s eyes which is why we should love ourselves unconditionally, and that is why Pets are this month’s inspiration.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.