This week’s inspiration is from our childhood. It’s called playtime. Playtime is described as a way to play and to be diverted from your daily routine. But it’s described as something that children do but not adults.
We all need playtime. We all need to be diverted from our regular duties or jobs or paying bills and cleaning the house. Whatever you need to do, you need to be diverted and play – play for the simple joy of playtime. Not worrying about winning or losing but just playing.
Playing is one of the highest vibrations we have. It’s just barely under joy and playtime is something we need each and every day. That’s why this week’s inspiration is playtime. Playtime for all ages. It’s all about self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.