Reactions Charged In The Past. It is time to meet your inner orphans. The part of yourself that you have forgotten, or shoved aside, or simply ignored. These parts most often react to the present with a reaction charged in the past. We all have wounds from the past and left healed they cause great problems in our lives.
I cannot tell you how many people have reactions charged in the past from wounds that happened in childhood and left unhealed. I highly stress the importance of meeting these inner orphans. In the beginning, you need to listen to them allowing them to vent the energy they are still carrying forward in your life. Some may stay quiet until they trust you, others may yell or shout their rage or anger, and others may cry non-stop. The important thing is listening to them without judgment. This is what they have longed for, for too long.
Once you have listened then you can begin to untangle their negative beliefs about themselves and the world around them. Once you have done these things, these inner orphans can move back into understanding that they are lovable, loving, and loved. Then you will no longer have reactions charged in the past.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.