When working on returning to self-love, there will eventually come a point when you actually like yourself— really like yourself. You will like your sense of humor, generosity, and kindness. You will like your ability to pick yourself up and move forward even after you’ve fallen again and again.
Really like yourself. It’s going to be a moment when you actually like who you are. Who you’re becoming and who you hope to be. We heal our past and let go of the past so that we can become who we’re supposed to be. But there’s going to be a point that you actually like yourself – all of yourself – flaws and all. And that’s a good thing because there’s only one person that you’re going to spend your entire life with, and that’s you. It’s all about self-love people.
Note: Really like yourself -It means trusting yourself and the world around you. If your fists are clenched, waiting for a fight, you do not like yourself. Are you constantly “people-pleasing?” You do not like yourself. If you control everyone and everything around you, you do not like yourself. If you are constantly judging other people, it means you do not like yourself.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.