When working on returning to self-love, the New Year becomes quite different. Maybe you are going to make resolutions and then break them in two weeks. Do you want to change your life? Make a self-love resolution.
Or perhaps, you going to decide to fall in love with yourself. to make a self-love resolution. You are going to go within and find out who you are. Perhaps, change the beliefs that have been holding you back. You are going to go within and wrap your arms around the parts of yourself (your inner orphans) that need some loving healing and tenderness. Maybe you are going to look within and discover your strengths, gifts, and talents and celebrate them.
Self-love is about loving yourself – really loving yourself. And isn’t that a better resolution than losing 10 pounds or meeting someone special? Make it the year you fall in love with yourself. It is all bout self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.