Listen to my enlightening and entertaining conversation with author Nadia Al- Samarrie. We discuss her book Baghdad to Berkeley. She shares how she was born in Iraqi then moved to Iran, then Japan, and eventually found herself in the USA living in Berkeley. She highlights the importance of getting to know where you live and the people around you and how that kept her from holding prejudices against any group. She even imparts a particular trip she took at the young age of 15 – and all alone. It reveals how men treated her and a harrowing trip she experienced when going to Morrocco. It was quite shocking!
I reveal in Spiritual CommonSense #10 Show an ability that inspires me that we all possess but many do not use – the ability to change your mind. I disclose how my dad had this ability. Whenever asked to do something or go somewhere my dad always said no. Does not matter what it was the answer was always no. However, my mother being very smart, always allowed him to do this then began to work to change his mind. Of course, she always did. I share how this ability also affected me and why it is an inspirati0n today.
Because so many people seem to be anxious or overwhelmed. I stress the importance of using your imagination to calm yourself and even find moments of love. I reveal the images I use in meditati0n to calm myself from standing in a waterfall or lying in a stream. And when I felt overwhelmed I would envision a large hand to crawl into to be held and loved. And if I needed a female image I would envision a large and I do mean large mother that I would crawl into her lap and allow her to love me and calm me. I hope you enjoy my Spiritual CommonSense #10 Show as much as I enjoyed do it.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.