We can’t change what we refuse to acknowledge, and we must acknowledge that violence has become a cancer on our country.
To keep pretending that violence has not become a constant companion to humanity is allowing the cancer to become malignant.
As Americans, we must own the truth, and as “spiritually awakening” individuals, we must take responsibility for our part in the glorifying and normalizing of violence.
Why is it our movies are some of the most violent in the world. When I watch TV or a movie, I am amazed how many times I have to fast forward to move past a brutal fight scene or gruesome murderous act because I don’t want that violence entering my consciousness.
We allow our children to play extremely violent video games and put toy guns into their hands by the age of six. These guns are not toy hunting guns but resemble pistols and semi-automatic guns.
We have leaders now that long for the good old days when they could hit someone who disagrees or protests against them.
We have used the 2nd amendment as an excuse to make this the most armed free country in the world never stopping to ask why we are so afraid that we feel we must arm ourselves to the hilt. No longer is it about protecting our homes from an invader with a handgun. Now we need to carry all sorts of guns including semi-automatic weapons with us at all times just in case we feel threatened even by a boy carrying skittles like in Florida.
We are the largest weapons manufacturer and seller in the world. And now we think talking is for the weak and prefer to threaten to wipe another country off the face of the planet with fire like the world has never seen.
When young children are killed in a school shooting by a mentally ill person, we don’t talk about mental health issues or how we should make it harder for the mentally ill to get guns; we instead want to arm teachers somehow thinking this is normal and not a sign of a malignant disease.
Now most of us are never going to shot another person, but we must be willing to look within and own our part in feeding the cancer of violence. We must stop glorifying war. We must stop glorifying brutality. We must stop supporting shows that make bullying and physical altercations the norm. We must look at our own words and actions and where we unconsciously add the to the normalization of violence.
I believe in humanity, and I believe we are actually on the verge of a consciousness shift. And as with all shifts, it can seem to get worse before it gets better –as if the old energy must scream and thrash as it takes its last breath.
We WILL live in a world and society where the idea of violence of any kind will be looked upon as an illness and treated as such.
We WILL live in a world where the idea of war solving anything will be laughed at.
We WILL live in a world where we no longer kill one another for any reason.
We WILL live in a world where PEACE reigns.
Keep the faith. Do your homework and own your relationship to violence and then choose a different way. And keep focused on love allowing it transform you inwardly so that you can spread that love outwardly. Underneath all our flaws and fears, we are loving beings. It is time we use that love to shift our consciousness of violence into a consciousness of acceptance and love of one another.
Do your part to make the world a more loving and peaceful place because as with everything, it starts with YOU!
My heart goes out to all impacted by the violence in Las Vegas as well as those all around the world impacted by violence of all kinds.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.
Joffre McClung is the author of two books The Heart of the Matter: A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love (“Powerful insights…life-changing” FOREWORD CLARION ” A virtual hug…enriching” BLUEINK REVIEWS, “enlightening self-discovery process” KIRKUS REVIEWS and How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( “A thoughtful think piece.” Kirkus Reviews )