We are seeing a lot of reprehensible actions and behaviors that have been thriving in the shadows suddenly being forced into the daylight. Whether it is our politicians, our media figures, or our titans of industry, it appears the jig is up.
Some feel that everything is falling apart because of this, but I see it slightly differently. I see it as part of our growth and evolution in consciousness. I see it as a good thing – a necessary thing if we want to move past what we have known and have been, to become all that we can be. This evolution won’t be achieved until we stop living part of our lives in the shadows. What is happening in the public venue is a mirror of what needs to happen in all of our lives. It is now the time we look in the shadow residing within us all.
“Bringing your shadow to the surface is the process of owning the emotions, beliefs, and behaviors you have refused to acknowledge and often unwittingly projected onto to others.”**
Our personal shadows are full of all the thoughts and behaviors that we don’t want to own. It is a way to separate our selves from what we fear about our selves and feel ashamed to own. We keep them in the shadows as we put on our daily masks to move through the day.
However, the time to bring our shadows into the light is upon us. It can be scary to own what you think is so horrible or unacceptable. But the only way to be free of our shadow is to embrace it and transform it with love. What you will discover is underneath the shadow is not a horrible monster but pain that needs healing.
Pay attention to what you hide not only from others but more importantly from yourself. Pay attention to what you project onto others. This will be a huge clue as to what needs attention, healing and love.
It is time to stop being afraid of what lies in the shadows and use the energy available now to turn on our inner light. You might just be amazed at the beauty that your shadow was concealing!
Until next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.
** Excerpt from The Heart of the Matter, page 209
Joffre McClung is the author of two books The Heart of the Matter: A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love (“Powerful insights…life-changing” FOREWORD CLARION ” A virtual hug…enriching” BLUEINK REVIEWS, “enlightening self-discovery process” KIRKUS REVIEWS and How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( “A thoughtful think piece.” Kirkus Reviews )