To have your head in harmony with your heart you must have your emotions in balance.
To maintain emotional balance, you can’t decide some emotions are more important than others or that some emotions are deserving of your attention and others are not. You can’t let your mind tell you which ones matter.
It is easy to own the big emotionally eruptions that happen inside of us. When that happens, most of us will go within and do the work. But it is just as important to own the small ripples that come up during the day.
How many times has your mind told you not to feel that way?
How many times have you skirted over your feelings when something happened during the day that was unpleasant or disappointing or unexpected because your mind told you it is not a big deal?
Did it really work?
How many times did reciting affirmations change how your heart felt? I am not suggesting affirmations are not important; it is just that perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse.
When you have an uncomfortable feeling or emotion rather than trying to THINK your way out of it, try FEELING your way out of it.
A great habit is to check in on your emotions at the end of each day. Did you pick up any negativity that needs clearing? Did you have an emotional reaction during the day that needs addressing? Did something happen that you should have had feelings about but were too busy or distracted to notice? If you * clear your emotions, both big and small, each day you won’t be carrying any old emotional baggage into the next day.
Then when you do your affirmations or dreaming, your head will be in harmony with your heart bringing you into perfect balance to create a loving life and a more loving world.
Until the next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.
*A quick daily “clearing” is to feel the emotion for a moment or two as fully as possible.
Then move into your loving space with your Higher Self and feel the love pouring into you.
Then you can do the affirmations or dreaming you desire to end your meditations.
If you are interested in exploring emotional integrity, techniques and clearing meditations more fully go to my book The Heart of the Matter.
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Joffre McClung is the author of two books The Heart of the Matter: A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love (“Powerful insights…life-changing” FOREWORD CLARION ” A virtual hug…enriching” BLUEINK REVIEWS, “enlightening self-discovery process” KIRKUS REVIEWS and How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( “A thoughtful think piece.” Kirkus Reviews )