Why is it so important to know and love yourself?
There is only one person that is going to travel with you through your entire life’s journey, and that is YOU.
Can you imagine if a friend told they were going to take a lifetime trip with someone they don’t know and are not sure they love? You would tell them they are crazy. You would kindly explain that they couldn’t take such a long trip with someone they hardly know and don’t even love. That is a sure recipe for a disastrous outcome!
And yet so many do just that.
While of course, we can’t change travel companions for this life’s journey, we can do our best to get to know and fall in love with ourselves.
Trust me when I say, it is a much more enjoyable trip when you love and trust who you are traveling with!
Coming soon my new book on Self-love.
And if you are dealing with a loss, check out my book, How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live ( Kirkus Indie Reviews called it, “A thoughtful think piece.”)
Until next time be the light the world needs and stay in love for all.